Mirror Slug

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Interalios Demo

04 August 2024

A playable demo of the new Interalios is now available! Check it out on Itch.io


The demo contains about 7 or so missions and features a selection of monsters to choose from, with some more unlockable via the shop. All the missions are replayable and the final one features a tournament of with a random selection of competitors. So play around and try out new combinations for your team!

It's still a work in progress, so I'll be periodically updating the demo as I complete more features and fix more issues, so keep on the lookout for updates.

Rather than repeat myself, check the page for more info!

Mirror Slug


I like to make games and other little doodads and needed somewhere to put them, so here we are! Mirror Slug is just me; so much for no I in team!

Keep Updated!